Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Things I Love

I've been feeling a little down lately, mainly due to PMS and the amount of stress I have (yes, my summer will be stressful, as ironic as that is), so I thought I would write a blog about all of the things I love.
  1. Music- I love music. All kinds of music. I've been really listening to more classical (Mozart's Menuetto, in particular- love that part in the middle around 4 minutes.) recently, for some reason, but I do love music very much. Also, Broadway music, it has a wonderful simplicity to it that makes it easy to sing and get stuck in your head.
  2. Food- food is so much more than just a source of fuel for your body. It's a whole experience. I guess that's mainly from growing up eating the delicious food my dad made. (yeah, I complained about some of it, but most of it is really good.) God, I love good food.
  3. Books- I love getting sucked into someone else's life for a while, and experiencing their story and what they've been through and how they overcame it. Books have made me a better, more well-rounded person who can form sentences correctly and use proper grammar.
  4. Sewing/Designing- Fashion really isn't about what is trendy, or what looks amazing, fashion is about how clothes make you FEEL. Wearing clothing that makes you feel beautiful and confident, is really what fashion is all about. It's about how you want to portray yourself to the world and how you see yourself. If you wear sweatpants and baggy t-shirts everyday, you are saying to people that you don't want to be noticed and you don't care. If you wear clothes that look nice on you, and boost your confidence, you are telling people that you are an amazing and confident person who is worth their attention. Plus, it feels to good to finish a sewing project and it look good, and you know that YOU did that all by yourself.
  5. Camp- My camp is a place where every single person is amazing and positive and honest and won't judge you. If you are in an environment where everyone is devoted to helping everyone move forward, you will move forward. Every time I come home from camp, I feel so much more strength in myself and in my faith and becoming a better person. If you've never been to camp, it is never too late. It has been such an amazing experience, and something that has really changed my life for the better.
  6. Harry Potter- need I say more?
  7. Theater- Every since I was four and in my first production (it was a school play done by the pre-schoolers) I've known that I wanted to be involved in theater for the rest of my life. There is just something amazing about being up on the stage and telling a story to an audience that, temporarily, is transported to where you are, and is living the story with you. That is what theater is- A living story. Even if I never go far with my acting career, I will never give up on my passion for theater.
  8. Being a Nerd- People underestimate nerds. They always consider being a nerd a BAD thing, but truthfully, I LOVE being a nerd! Being able to be free and be myself is so amazing. I don't feel like I have to fit into some mold of a skinny, popular, problematic girl that I'm not. I love being smart! I love doing math and solving equations. I love reading books and going to Harry Potter conferences. Being a nerd and being myself has led me to the most amazing people. Because of who I am and being honest about that, I have made friends who love me for who I am, and nothing else. And I love them. Nerds are the best kinds of people ever.
  9. Friends- I love my friends. My friends are there for me and love me and are there for me when I need someone to talk to. They have made me a better person, and have introduced me to things that I could never have found on my own (wrock?). They support me, and keep me pointing in the right direction. I love each and every one of my friends for everything about them. I know some of my friends will be leaving soon, and I wanted to include a little shout-out to them, because they are the ones who have stuck with me through thick and thin. You have no idea how much I love you, and how terribly I am going to miss you. Never stop being You, because You is pretty freaking amazing.
  10. and last, but certainly not least, Family- You are the people who never give up on me. Are you allowed to give up on me? I don't know. I love you soooo very much. We are a quirky bunch, and that is what makes us so awesome. You are all so talented, and I love you. You are my support system that never ever ever fails me. You know me so well, better than anyone, really, and yet you STILL love me. That has GOT to say something about how amazing you guys are. I couldn't ask for anyone better to help me grow into who I am today and to make me who I am and to teach me all the important lessons one has to learn. You put up with me even when I'm super annoying, and you changed my diapers when I was a baby (don't worry, I'll return the favor one day ;) ) and I can never thank you enough for all you do. I love you guys!

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